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Showing posts from September, 2022

Forgotten Film Friday (on a Sunday): The Public Eye

 A retrospective by Brooks Rich Joe Pesci is Leon "Bernzy" Bernstein, a freelance photographer in 1940s New York. He is known for out scooping the competition and always finding the perfect shot, especially murder scenes. Night club owner Kay (Barbara Hershey) asks him to look into a man who has been hustling her for money. Bernzy is soon involved in a murder plot with ties to the mob and gas prices.  This was Pesci's first leading role since winning the Academy Award for playing Tommy in Goodfellas. It was an attempt to captizilaie on his fame from Goodfellas. Sadly for Pesci and writer/director Howard Franklin the film was a commercial bomb. It only returned about three million of it's fifteen million dollar budget. This is truly a forgotten film as honestly I only saw it for the first time recently.  Sometimes I will watch an obscure movie to see if it is worth covering as a forgotten film. I have seen plenty of unknown films I didn't think were worth being fea